A thousand points?! No way, way too much! Even though a small win would be outstanding, a wager that large is not even close to being worth the risk. Metcalf didn’t even try to hide her reluctance. The amount may have been reasonable for Isabeau. The top students had many more points to play with. For Metcalf, a big loss at those stakes would set her down to zero.
“If that’s too much, we can change the amount.” Isabeau’s expression showed as well. This made no sense. Metcalf was wasting her talents here. She had seen students gambling points in training centers; the competition it created. Even when students worked together, they never stayed in this arena for as long as Metcalf, Naoh, or Koh.
The students here usually had no other way to get the extra points they desperately needed. They had to win Academy Points or face expulsion, utter failure, and disgrace. There were no other options. Their future, their hopes, the free life of an academy student, the honor of a Protector, everything depended winning.
Most only knew the basics but they used those basics in ways never taught in the classrooms. They fought hard for those points, the fiercest competition she had ever seen. At times, more inventive students happened upon variations of advanced strategies and techniques. Isabeau only hoped to gleam some of the techniques to use as her own.
At the end of the mid-season, the winners and losers were determined. Losers never came back, expelled after the final. Winners rarely came back, not wanting to fight in the Training Center again unless it was absolutely necessary. Metcalf stayed in this environment and thrived. True, Metcalf was low in the student rankings but only because she wasted her time here playing for tens and twenties.
Isabeau had no doubt that Metcalf would win with the proper incentive. More points meant a stronger fight, right? She was pretty much giving Metcalf points for the honor of a challenge. But, if a thousand points a target was too much, “What about five hundred?”
Well. Maybe, less than that. Though it was definitely more reasonable, it was quite a lot more than usual. So much, much more than Metcalf had ever played for before. Isabeau could be using a negotiating tactic; starting unreasonably high so that a sucker could suggest something unusually high. Things rarely ended well for the sucker. Metcalf was having no more of this. “Two fifty,” she spoke with certainty. It still could be a trap. The amount was well more than double what she expected to bet, but it was still recoverable if she lost. However, that was her final offer, no higher.
Two fifty?! Metcalf is definitely showing her a lot of respect. But if that’s the way she wants it, “Deal.” Such a low bet. She was going to be very upset if she won.
The negotiations finished, they waited for their number to be called. They sat without speaking for a while. Sometimes, the wagers were the hardest part of the challenges. They both wanted their way, and each had to flex their wills to get it. It was especially tough for the nicer students. If they became friends later, it would be great. It was never certain though. After the awkward silence, Isabeau suggested they eat somewhere after the mid-season.
“Sure,” Metcalf said without hesitation. She was still a growing young lady of course. She loved to eat. Also, she could ask her about a few special techniques. Such a high ranked student had to know some techniques that only the Quarter Masters taught.
“I’ll give you my contact after this.”