South of Downtown Bosstown:
Silent Blur landed with a soft thud and ran through the rough wooded area northward towards the busiest part of the Bosstown. The ride was a little bumpy as Adrianne juked and jumped Silent Blur through tall path-blocking weeds and randomly sprouting rocks. The land route was necessary since the canopy over Bosstown was thick enough to prevent any aerial approach. That approach would guarantee similar hull damage done in earlier travels.
There were, of course, other approaches. The east and west routes left them with too long a walk. The north route was clear and full of nice ruins. That approach would allow one to imagine the city’s former prosperity while walking through the old ruined neighborhoods. The path was usually a pleasing walk as there was always something new to see. However, the ladies didn’t feel like fighting wild, hungry ratcoons quite yet so avoided it.
This route was best. They only wanted to eat, shop, and have a little fun. The sisters could hunt, fight, and kill things later.
The coordinates of their landing zone was set into Captain Bubbles. As Silent Blur walked, its little sailboat turned notably atop the orb’s scented oil. The city was definitely close but it was hard to recognize the land as new growths changed the landscape dramatically from season to season.
During their approach, Silent Blur came suddenly into a lighted area that up until now were familiar rocky paths dotted with soil. Powerful lamps shone everywhere making the whole area look completely different. Its new appearance was a makeshift farm for edible leafy plants. This week’s crop was mustard greens while the dandelions held aggressively onto their natural territory.
The ship slowed as Adrianne was careful to step around the plants. Not that Silent Blur would truly damage anything, just that she always thought it rude to step on someone else’s food. Once passed the makeshift farm, she found familiar territory and their landing zone. Soon the three disembarked and walked the streets towards their major destination.
Bosstown was always becoming a nice city. Its people had a spirit to sacrifice and work hard to making the city relevant again. It was working. Every time the sisters visited, something improved or was new. The city looked very modern in some areas. Other areas needed more work but here and there they found upgrades.
The ladies knew the struggles having heard the stories over and over again in Rubin’s Trail. Visiting the city and slowly seeing it recover was refreshing as well. However, their mission was quite specific at this time.
Their trip into the town ended at Ge’s Noodles and Subs. This one was far better than the one at Rubin’s Trail. The decor was a bit “traditional” but so was the scent that floated through the air. It permeated the walls after decades of the Ge family’s fine foods. That familiar scent pulled them into the restaurant.
The restaurant was packed as always. Others from Rubin’s Trail as well as those from the other side of the mountain came to eat the fine foods created by the Ge kitchen. This was by far the greatest treasure of Bosstown.
The host recognized the three ladies immediately. “Welcome ladies, would you like your regular table,” the host said rising and facing them yet already walking towards the elevator.
“Yes. Thank you Kamber,” Adrianne spoke up for the three as they followed.
Kamber Ma had been a host at the restaurant long enough to know the honored guests from Rubin’s Trail. Stopping just long enough to grab a single menu, he continues on the familiar path to their favorite table. A booth on the tenth level. Near the window with the greatest view they could have of the Mech Fortress main wall’s ruins.
The ladies took their seats. Cheari and Toska sat opposite Adrianne while Adrianne always insisted on facing the ruined Mech Fortress. It was just barely visible through the canopy and thick foliage.
Even in ruins, Adrianne felt the power of the fortress. It must have been greater than Rubin’s Trail history made it out to be. Rubin’s Trail required so much assistance from roaming Champions and even then, the battle went on for so long. She feared what would happen if the Mech Fortress ever regained power.
“Do you ladies need any time to look through the menu or do are you ready?” Kamber asked as the ladies sat. He held onto the menu waiting for their answers.
“I’m ready,” Tosca spoke quickly.
“Ready,” Adrianne said almost as quickly as her little sister.
Cheari didn’t even bother answering. Everyone present knew what was going to be ordered.