Tag Archives: Justice He

Champions of Battle: The Very Best – Opportunity #039

“What do you mean, ‘You don’t know?’” Jaquan leaned forward in his chair.

“It’s random,” Justice mentioned casually, “All of it.”

“No one knows who will fight who, until the name tiles are drawn,” Liana added.  After hearing the tournament’s layout a few times now, it was nice to know that their fighter listening.  This was going to be a new challenge for everyone.  They had to adjust quickly.

“But… what?” Jaquan’s eyes went wide, “how…?”  How can I fight without knowing anything?  

Information about challengers had always been a given.  The World Circuit always freely gave this information to all its Champions.  Champions could pick three of the twenty four Talent Sets and use them very differently.  This, combined with different weapon and enchant usage, made each fighter grossly unique.  There had to be some information about the fighters.

“So, files?” Jaquan asked eventually.

“Files of what?” Justice asked.

“Fighter information,” Liana translated for Jaquan.

“Yeah, I have those,” Justice said reaching into his pocket pulling out his palm-sized communicator.

Jaquan exhaled.  If these tournaments had similar Champion files like the World Circuit fights, he had some chance.  He’d do some studying, but how much, “How many Champions have signed up for the tourney?”

“About two hundred so far,” Justice replied; searching through the apps on his communicator without missing a beat.

The Wha!?  Jaquan’s eyes dilated for a brief moment, “Shouldn’t be a problem,” he said with practiced confidence.

“Riiight,” Liana’s mask distorted her voice but still spoke a volume.  She’d known Jaquan long enough to recognize faux reactions.  

“Found ‘em,” Justice sang.

It took less than a second for Liana to transfer the data from Justice’s communicator, “I’ll look at the major players first.  Might help a bit,” Liana’s digitized voice sounded over her mask’s speakers as she leaned back.  Her fingers danced in the air hitting buttons and switches that only she could see.

“Good… good” Jaquan continued his confident act as his mind raced.  There was no way to ‘wing it’ at this level of competition.  There had always been a well-formed detailed plan in his fights.  This will be such a new experience.  He had fought many in the past but each fight was specific.  Some of his old ideas may come back but

In the silence, the train hit a slight bump.  Small enough to be unnoticed normally however, the train was fast and empty enough that it skipped ever so slightly and rocked for a few seconds in the silence.  

“Wait a second,” Liana’s voice echoed in the silence.

“What?” Jaquan said coming out of his

It took a long second for Liana to get her words correct, “These files don’t have notes.”

“No notes?”

“They’re only the fights.”

“We’ll have to do without.”  Two hundred of these thing.  No notes.  This is going to be a busy trip.

Without notation, they would have to figure out the specifics of each Champion’s moves, talents, enchants by repeated observation.  It would be ridiculous to try specific strategies for each individual.  Perhaps a general strategy for the lot can be worked.

Nevertheless, the rest of their travel entertainment was set, they sat in silence as Liana’s suit interfaced with the train car to play the fights out one after another.  Two tiny life-like holograms appeared, one held two butterfly swords while the other held a sickle and chain weapon.  They stood frozen in place until Liana gave the command to start the recording.

#1Opportunity #38 – Opportunity #40


Champions of Battle: The Very Best – Opportunity #038

There was no known land route to Bear Gate; or air route actually.  Pilots would waste an entire evenings searching for the city with no sign.  There were however, widespread rumors of it being somewhere south of West Drop.  No one knew exactly where.  Pictures from inside the city depicted a rustic rural place with hints of modern technology scattered about.  Regardless of the rumors, Jaquan and his companions were headed there.  At least they had every reason to believe they were.  

The tunnel they entered a half hour ago was marked to lead them there; as was the subway car they boarded.  Jaquan occasionally checked his communicator’s compass, and for the third time it stated that they were headed northwest.  Despite the discrepancy with known facts, there was nothing he could do about the travel plans now.  They were in the car and no amount of unwarranted panicking would make any difference.  Besides, he wanted to keep up appearances in front of Justice.

The subway car was much like any other only exceptionally clean, and empty.  Shiny compressed steel surfaces were highlighted with burgundy cushions.  There were windows but there was no point in looking through them.  Bright lights from the tunnel whipped passed and didn’t add anything to the trip.

The crew’s luggage was packed away in a pushable cart just on the other side of the car.  As much as Jaquan wanted to train by carrying the load, he didn’t want risk pushing himself too far so near the tournament.  The maker of their healing water was off on an adventure leaving them no hints when she’d be back.

Again, he looked at the compass hologram.   He blinked as it shifted slightly, pointing their direction more northward.  Instead of revealing a worried face, Jaquan looked up and heard Justice talk about the tournament’s specifics.  Justice made certain to stress that Jaquan should be especially careful not to lose any of the opening rounds.

“Why not?”

Liana slapped her face in frustration, “Listen for a bit will you,” she pleaded, “This is a coin based tournament.”

Jaquan’s confused face told Liana and Justice that Jaquan’s mind had been elsewhere for the last fifteen minutes.  So after a deep inhale and purposeful exhale, Justice started again.  “A coin based tournament is like this.”  He thought for a bit to put things in terms that Jaquan could understand.  “At the beginning of the tournament, all the fighters have two coins credited to an account,” he paused again to make sure he was saying everything correctly and that Jaquan was following, “At the end of a fight, the winner gets a coin from the loser.  If at any point you run out of coins you’re out of the tournament.”

“So why do I have to be careful in the beginning?” Jaquan asked.  The thought of losing was never a good one.  To go through so much to acheive nothing was such a waste of time, money, and effort.  He wanted to avoid it at all cost.  

“Oh.  I forgot,” Justice corrected himself, “on the third round, the bank takes a coin from everyone still in the tournament.  They keep doing that every other round until only one player remains.”

“Oh!” Jaquan realized the severity now, “That changes everything.”

“So,” Liana chimed in to conclude the original point, “He was saying that if you don’t maintain a winning record during the first four matches, you’re done.  Even a tied record causes elimination.”

“The chumps and wanna-bes are eliminated early.”  This was truly going to be a challenge.  In a tournament such as this, everyone will be on top of their game.  Everyone will be looking for an edge on whoever they fight.  “So who am I fighting first?”

Justice leaned back in his chair, covered his face with his hands and purposefully exhaled again, “I have no idea.”

#1Opportunity #37 – Opportunity #39


Champions of Battle: The Very Best – Opportunity #034

Finishing the quick conversation with Neely, Liana turned her whole attention to Jaquan.  She watched as he struggled with the oversized bundle on his shoulders.  Every bit of motion challenged all of his strength and focus.  She had barely seen him take five tiny steps into the light.  Already, he was sweating.  It would be a wonder if he made it to the street.

The whole dilemma brought back memories of the time before he was a household name.  Just as before, she knew better than to even offer any help.  He wanted and needed to earn this victory for himself.  All she could do was offer advice.

After giving the update on Neely and Catlin she said as much as she could in offering help, “You should slow down a bit.  You won’t gain anything if you hurt yourself.”  In all honesty, she could carry the load herself.  Little would trouble her other than balance.  Her advanced Mech suit ridiculously increased her strength, was made of plated compressed metal, and flew.

After a few minutes Jaquan miraculously reached the curb.  He stood as strong as he could pretending not to be completely exhausted.  He wasn’t convincing.  “I’m… fine,” he heaved breath as he spoke.  Setting “the pack” down was more of a challenge than picking it up.  He fell backwards in the attempt.  Getting back up, he rubbed his shoulder, “Might need a heal later though.”

“I gotchu,” Justice offered with no hesitation.

Liana was surprised at the speed of his comment.  Even more so when she remembered that Justice did not use the healing talents; Jaquan did.  Liana decided against commenting on the issue.  Instead, she made a note of it in her suit’s computer.  A few seconds later, she called for the cab to take them to the caravan.  They’d be leaving the city soon


Bome Castle Hospital:

Finally, he had the release forms.  He grabbed a pen immediately.  He was standing and walking on his own power quite easily for the last ten minutes.  The staff should have had the papers waiting for him at the front desk.  He had more important things to do than waste precious time.  Perhaps if he did a subtle story on this hospital’s efficiency they would make changes.

His rushed signature looked more like a looping lasso than a name, but whatever.  They all knew who he was.  He didn’t stop to chat on his way out either.  There was too much for Ace Reporter Duard Ban to do.

The staff had kept him there for almost an entre day.  Granted he needed a carrier droid to get there.  Still their service was the worst he had received in a while.

Cracked ribs, crushed wing joints, and cracked shoulder blades.  Bome Castle’s hospital had completely healed it all with a day’s rest.  Still, South Coast could do the same in an hour or so.  Technology of the day was amazing for those that could afford the treatment.

Duard had the gold.  Now, if only Bome Castle could improve their methods and efficiency a bit.  It made better sense if all healing facilities were up to about the same level.  But, what could he expect from these developing kingdoms.

More importantly, he was now free of the hospital.  Duard had to get back on the trail of that ruffian that which landed him in there in the first place.  Never had he experienced such disrespect.

A scowl enveloped his face at the very thought of the man.  That son of a rat step on me!  I’ll drag his name through catfish infested water!  He could and he would, with little trouble.  Ban had led to the demise of more important people than Jaquan Zu.

#1Opportunity #33 – Opportunity #35