So much for that idea.
The high pitched motor to the rear was unmistakable. Metcalf was just a few turns ahead of a speeder and had a pretty good idea what the driver intended. She went into a sprint to gain ground on her pursuer. It was working but the walls and turns came up that much faster.
Uhh… Left turn
Speed training in armor didn’t seem a useful lesson during classes, but now her half hearted participation was greatly rewarded. She had learned to use her motion energy skills to push herself faster while running. She moved quite well before in her armor. Her current suit was cloth-like; made for stealth. She managed wondrous speeds, but there was a slight problem. With the maze of alleyways and vacant streets, she had next to no time between seeing a wall and turning to avoid running into it. And, as realistic as her current test was, there was most likely a stiff punishment if she failed even once.
Right juke, Forward
She didn’t know exactly how fast she was going. She did know she was running out of time. There was no audible alarm but the bots were most likely on high alert. This meant there would be a trap waiting somewhere. Hopefully, it was in the wrong place.
Left wall run, Right turn
There was so little time to chose a turning direction as the walls approached. It was too important that she keep moving and not back track.
Right turn. WALL!! Right turn
But, it was also quite important that she make it to the rally point on time. The map on her visor was always there. As always, it directed correctly but she was primarily concerned with the ever present walls appearing out of nowhere. When she had time to choose a direction, she went the way that made the most sense to be the correct. However, she often saw the location beacon behind her.
Great! Wrong way again.
Hopefully, her wrong turns confused her pursuers as well. It would be the worst to run headlong into blaster fire.
The state of the art cloaking suit was keeping up with the street patterns. It was changing colors so quickly, that it appeared a lightening shade of grey to her.
Daylight was starting to become a real problem. With more light, there were more colors. With more colors, there was more work for the suit. It was already getting warm again. It was only a matter of time before it got hot. She could not continue like this. Metcalf needed an idea; hopefully one that works.
Left tur… HARD Left
She hit an impressively hard turn and watched the map on her visor spin. After the corrective turn, an idea was fully formed. Finding the perfect four point intersection ahead, she leapt into the air and hovered for the briefest of moments. Her sleeves were already slightly opened. She duplicated the wind transfer from before but pointed her right sleeve to the sky and her left sleeve to the ground and intensified it into a blast .
The blast caused her to spin unexpectedly fast and lifted her into the air. Dust and debris kicked up from the ground in a large cloud that spread as an explosion from her intersection. The action caught her off guard but did not overwhelm her thanks to her Crisho wings. Landing slightly dizzied she blew the dust off of her feet with her motion skills. Her disorientation training came into play as she began running in what her visor stated was the correct direction.
“Dusk! Eyes Up!!”
Mahari’s warning came too late. Dusk’s tunnel-visioned pursuit turned his bot’s speeder directly into the dust explosion. Knocked off kilter as random bits of debris flew into the speeder’s air intake Dusk was unable to correct the speeder’s orientation from the controls in the factory. Dusk was too familiar with this sight as his remote station shut off and then reset his controls to another bot flying in a far off patrol.
Mahari saw the explosion from the roofs and went to investigate. Tuning into all the scans available, he searched the epicenter of the blast. It was illogical for someone to stay there after such an event. However, this one was clever. She may be counting on that assumption.
After a thorough search of the area, he realized that he had guessed wrong and lost several precious seconds in the process. Angrily, he continued in the general direction she seemed to be going since they left the factory.